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The Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W110 belongs to the DSC-W series and was released Jan 23, 2008. It has a 7.2 MP camera and 15 MB of internal memory storage and supports multiple variations of flash memory

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Why does my camera only produce dark results? t

The camera can turn on, but the shots are only blackThe camera can be turned on, but the results of the shots are only black and no image can be seen

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@raraspalupy most common issue will be a bad image sensor. It is part of the lens block assembly. Download the Level 2 SM from here Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W110 and check page 17 part 2-5. It looks quite difficult to find a replacement sensor. You may just need to replace the complete lens block.

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raras palupy wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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