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The Canon EOS Rebel T3i, released in March 2011, can be identified by its SKU (SKU:5169BO32). Also known as the EOS 600D and the EOS Kiss X5, this camera is a Canon Digital SLR with 18 megapixels.

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The values of the capacitor on main board

I have a faulty capacitor on the board and not sure of it's value it's the one far right near an IC and looks to be in line with the back panel LCD ribbon

Update (07/01/24)

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a picture might help


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Hi @batesjunkmail

Bit hard to know what value or even what type of component it was, when the part is missing.

How do you know that it was even a capacitor?

Here's the parts list for the camera.

Find the part number for the board that the component is on and then search for the board part number to hopefully find images of it where you can zoom in far enough to see if it has any markings on it which may show what it is.

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it was water damaged i was able to remove it but i am not able to get any readings from it. i'll try your suggestion and see if i can find the part number


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