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Eine preisgünstigere Version der Nintendo Switch Spielkonsole als rein tragbare Konsole, mit eingebauten Joy-Con Controllern und etwas kleinerem Bildschirm. Erschienen am 20. September 2019.

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I think my friend nintendo is broken

The screen has like a black patches like in the middle and at the sides. It charges like take very long then can charge full. When I playing on his nintendo always off suddenly

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Hi Celine!

Alright, so the screen is displaying stripes? If yes, then the screen need an replacement.

So far I can understand, the battery is having difficulties to be charged.. Probably the battery need a replacement too.

If you can share some pictures or a video with us, that would be great!

Could also be something on the motherboard, but most likely the screen and the battery need to be replaced!

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it not stripes, its patches. But anyways thx


Ah sorry! Yeah screen needs to be replaced to get it fixed! Good luck with the repair and please let us know how it goes!


then why when i playing it suddenly off


I think the battery is having issues there as it is having difficulties to charge... I would try to replace them both the same time to see if that fixed it!


ooh ok thanks


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It sounds like this device may need a replacement screen and battery. The guides I have linked walk you through what you need and how to repair the screen and battery.

Nintendo Switch Lite Akku Bild


Nintendo Switch Lite Akku tauschen



1 - 2 hours

Nintendo Switch Lite Display Bild


Nintendo Switch Lite Display tauschen



1 - 2 hours

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