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Reparatur- und Demontageanleitungen für die Logitech MX Master 2S Drahtlosmaus. Markteintritt 2017, zu identifizieren anhand der Modellnummern M-R0066, 910-005138, 910-005137 oder 910-005131.

11 Fragen Alle anzeigen

There is no flashing red light on the underside

A friend has given me 2 of these mice and both have no flashing red light on the underside, is there any simple fix or is this a parts replacement? The battery is charged and there are lights for the 1-2-3 selection. I have no available unit to connect it to, we just want the red light to come back on. (Located at the near center underside).

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Yeah agree, I took it apart and everything looked fine, no lose or disconnected cables.... he said he dropped it but it still worked for some time but now it's dead as a mouse lol


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Gewählte Lösung

The sensor LED is not visible. Take a camera, your smart phone will do, and look at the LED with that. You will see a purplish red light.

This works for remotes also.

If not, then it is broken and could be anything.

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livfe wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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