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Dies ist die kleinere kostengünstigere Version von Samsung zehntem Galaxy Flaggschiff-Smartphone, das im Februar 2019 auf den Markt kam. Es wird mit Android 9.0 (Pie) geliefert.

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Waterproof after battery replacement?

I have recently replaced the battery and of course the back. I believe that I was very thorough in my efforts to make sure that it was free of old sticky stuff and I weighted it down to press the back onto the phone. I'm heading to the ocean next week and want to know if this thorough repair will maintain the ip68 waterproof water resistance up to 30 ft for 30 minutes?

Thank you,


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Hi @davidander88042

I doubt it.

Once a phone has been opened it is very hard to guarantee that it is IP68 rated waterproof again.

No professional repairer I know, guarantees this when they repair phones.

According to Samsung their version of the IP68 immersion depth rating is not 30' it is 1.5 metres (4'11"). They also specify fresh water as well which is not as corrosive as sea water.

You could always keep a check on the LDI (liquid damage indicator) to make sure.

Best you can do is to avoid getting it wet

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Thank you for the great answer! I will place it in my water proof pouch. I only bring it with when we walk the beach and snorkel back.

Where do I find the LDI?



It's under the SIM tray in the phone. Click on the blue LDI link in my answer above to better see how to check it.


Thank you again!


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