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Replacing HHD with a SSD

I have the Inspiron One 2350 with a 1TB SATA HDD that is starting to sound bad. I would like to switch it out with a cloned 1TB SSD; what SSD should I use and what are the steps to clone and replace the HDD?


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Hi @keith3404

Best that I can find out is that your PC supports a 2.5" sata SSD having a capacity of up to 4TB.

Search online for a 2.5" sata (insert capacity to suit) SSD to find suppliers that suit you best. Most well known, reputable brands usually supply free cloning software with the SSD (download link and password supplied with SSD)

To clone your existing HDD the easiest option is to purchase a 2.5" sata SSD to USB adapter (examples only - either USB2.0 or USB3.0 as your PC has both types) and plug the SSD into a USB port in the PC via the adapter cable.

Note: Before cloning your SSD perhaps read this post in case it is applicable to your setup.

Here's a video that may help with the cloning procedure.

When you have finished cloning the SSD here's the service manual for the PC. Go to p.29 to view the procedure to remove the HDD so that you can replace it with an SSD - see p.32

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Thank you @jeyeff for your response. I'll order the SSD and SATA adapter.


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