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Kleine Kaffeevollautomaten von Melitta. Diese Anleitungen können auch bei anderen Melitta-Modellen und bei Kaffeevollautomaten von Nivona, Siemens und Miele helfen – die Modelle sind ähnlich aufgebaut.

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Brewing unit won't go back in

The brewing unit of our Melitta Caffeo Solo did not going back in.

I found mentions of the motor not being properly aligned.

The official FAQ states: The motor might not be in the correct position. Check if the water tank is filled and if the drip tray is in place. Turn the appliance OFF and then ON again. Then simultaneously press the button for My-Coffee and the on/off button for more than 2 seconds. The motor will move into the correct position. Insert the brewing unit again and check that it is correctly locked in position.

However, this proposed solution did not reset the motor position in my case.

I found that the locking handle of the brewing unit moves a metal lever.

Block Image

This metal lever engages a button in the machine.

Block Image

By carefully pressing this button (i used the handle of a small spoon), the motor reset to the correct position.

Long story short: I don't have a question, and just wanted to post this here for future reference.

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perfect solution - most grateful.


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By carefully pressing this button (i used the handle of a small spoon), the motor reset to the correct position.

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Yes, this is a good try! If it is not successfull, there is one more option which acquires plenty of work:

  • Open the device and the drive. Connect 12 V to the motor leads until it reaches the right position.

If it happens more often, the gearbox will have to be opened anyway.

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Thank you so much. You helped me today.

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bfdb wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

Letzte 24 Stunden: 2

Letzte 7 Tage: 18

Letzte 30 Tage: 120

Insgesamt: 559