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Repair guides and support for the Galaxy Tab S6, released in August 2019. Model number: SM-T860NZAAXAR

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Battery probably swollen. Where to find adhesive strips?

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So my screen is comming loose from the body, likely because the battery is swollen. I would like to replace the battery, but cannot seem to find the adhesive strips anywhere. Everyhing I find online it's just for the S6 phone, but not the S6 Tab. Any ideas where to find the adhesive strips?

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Hi @shanji97

Try using suitably sized Tesa 61395 Tape (click on Style to view sizes) and cut the length to suit.

Alternatively apply some B7000 adhesive to seal the tablet, once the battery has been replaced.

Ensure that you remove all traces of old adhesive before applying whatever you decide to use.

Custom cut rolls of Tesa 61395 double-sided tape for repair. Bild


Tesa 61395 Tape


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Thanks for the hint, now I just need to find a battery that is new an somewhat reliable battery seller in the EU.



Don't know about reliability search online for either the battery model number - EB-BT725ABU or the Samsung part number GH82-20770A to find suppliers

As far as I know this is the battery for all Tab s6 model variants.


Ok, so I managed to swap the battery, but now I would like to know, where this magnet belongs to.

Not to duplicate things I also posted this on Reddit in the r/ifix sub. I also have some images, if a guide is going to be written , although I am very limited with my time. The images are available here on the onedrive link.


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