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Das kleinste iPhone 14 von Apple wurde am 9. September herausgebracht und verfügt über ein 6,1-Zoll-OLED-Display, ein fortschrittliches Dual-Kamerasystem mit 12 MP und eine Frontkamera mit Autofokus. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 13.

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iPhone 14 restarting after a few minutes following screen replacement

I've been reparing iphones for a number of years, so this is by no means a 'noob' question.
I've just replaced a screen on an iphone 14 and the customer is now reporting that the phone keeps restarting every few minutes.
This is not a boot loop/stock Apple logo restarts, issue. The phone boots up as normal but after a few minutes use, simply restarts for no reason.

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I’d try running it in diagnostic mode see if you can get an idea where or what the issue is. It may be coincidence that has happened after a screen repair as looking around it’s a very common problem on iPhone 14 in general. Some have had success by backing up everything to iCloud then factory resetting the phone. Could try that if they have enough space in iCloud.

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