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Repair guides, disassembly, and troubleshooting information for the second generation Sony PlayStation 5 DualSense controller. Identified by model number CFI-ZCT1W and motherboard model BDM-020.

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DualSense V3, three times yellow light after "repair"


Today I cleaned the potentiometers because of the left stick drift and then the problem happened.

While dissasembly and assembly I checked not to pinch the ribbons, the red, black, green and yellow wires are soldered correctly, everything seems fine but the %#*@ thing does not work. I reasoldered those wires a second time and checked with a multimiter, it seems fine. I also checked the ribbons from the adapting triggers, also everything ok.

Please help.

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Sounds like something is damaged on the motherboard! Please check all the components to see if nothing is missing! Also check if the traces are okay!

If possible, please share some pictures with us! Thanks!

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hey, if I understand correctly 3 blinking lights means that something is causing a short in the motherboard. in my case, a small hair had gotten itself stuck under the joystick. Removing it fixed it.

One trick you can use to troubleshoot the fault is to keep disassembling the controller while having a cable plugged in and pressing the ps button until the 3 blinking lights become 2 (no battery), that will tell you what the problem is.

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