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Das am 24. September veröffentlichte Flagship-Smartphone von Apple für 2021 bietet ein 6,1-Zoll-ProMotion-OLED-Display, ein neues Rückkamerasystem mit drei Objektiven und 5G. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 12 Pro.

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Why does my iPhone keep rebooting on the apple logo?

My Iphone keeps going on and off (Specifically on the Apple Logo/startup). I am not sure what's the problem. I refuse to go to Apple, because they will most likely make me pay over $200 - 300 for a simple fix.

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This is apparently a common issue on the iPhone 13 it looks like. If it’s under warranty send it back!

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Unfortunately, its warranty expired some time ago. Is there anything I could do or am I just screwed?


Try a battery replacement it has worked for some people .


If that doesn’t work let us know. Probably a board issue after that.


Try a proximity sensor replacement instead!?


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