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Das am 24. September veröffentlichte Flagship-Smartphone von Apple für 2021 bietet ein 6,1-Zoll-ProMotion-OLED-Display, ein neues Rückkamerasystem mit drei Objektiven und 5G. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 12 Pro.

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Back panel glass replacement problem due to camera bezel (telephoto)

Hello everybody,

i'am new here and this is my first post.

I am replacing the rear glasss of iphone 13 pro and i have problem with the new glass and the camera bezel (or whatever it is). That aluminum ring around the camera, ultra wide one is tight, normal lens is also ok, but the one on telephoto lens is moving freely. And i have the glass panel with large holes for lenses.

Is there something wrong, was it badly repaired before or i'm just missing something? Hope photos will show what i mean.

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Thank you if you could help.

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Finally kinda found by myself with help of somebody. hat thing is kinda disturbing, the glass backpanel that comes from the factory goes underneath of each of this aluminium rings. When you break the glass, two lenses (but telephoto) are made with an inner ring made of aluminium also, and they are not mofing so freely. But telephoto lens do not have same logic.

I do not know if this phone was already repaired before, but if it comes from the factory like this, i can see absolutely no logic in there. So i just put some glue underneath that aluminium ring, and glued the new back glass.

The thing is, that replacement backglass, have larger holes for lenses (not like the factory one that goes underneath the aluminium cache). And then you are new to these repairs, you cannot understand it, and you're stumbled.

Hope this will help somebody

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Iphon 13 back panel change

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