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Fix your 5G Edition Samsung Galaxy Note20 with these replacement part DIY repair guides.

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How can I separate the glass from the lcd screen?

All I have cracked is the front glass, but I cannot afford an entire screen replacement. How can I separate the glass from the lcd screen?

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Actually, it is possible to do a front glass replacement, but a professional job requires things like a vacuum table with wire guides to separate the screen from the glass, along with a vacuum chamber to remove the air bubbles from the OCA and a UV chamber to cure the glue.

For us DIY'ers, there is a company making kits designed to allow you to do that job yourself. I actually attempted it myself, but ultimately I ended up damaging the OLED while trying to separate it. It was a good learning experience, and I suspect with some practice it might work sufficiently for home use, although I don't know if the end result will actually look like a new screen.

Anyway, I'd say your best bet is to try one of those kits; you may have better luck than I did. Here's a link to what looks like the right one for your phone; be sure to confirm that for yourself before purchase.

Patent Pending DIY Samsung Galaxy Note 10~20 Ultra Front Screen Glass Repair Kits – ExpertCellDIY

In my case the replacement screen was so expensive that I figured it was worth a try; I did end up doing a full screen replacement because I didn't get the initial separation done correctly and damaged a chip out of the OLED. But hey, for $30 USD I felt it was worthwhile.

Good luck and let us know if it works out for you; it would be great if you took lots of pictures as you work and use those to create a guide to that repair here on iFixit!

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You cannot remove the glass from the LCD without damaging the LCD

On top of that you do not want to remove the glass infront of the LCD for that is the touchscreen and if you were to remove it you would basically lose all function of the phone


Taking into account the answer from @dadibrokeit I think that if you really want to then you can, I have no idea how much technical experience you have but if Mr. Wheeler, who has decades of experience in phone repair, was unable to do it. Than I don't know how well even I could fix it. Again if you think you can than kudos to you and good luck fixing it.

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I agree. You might be able to save some money if you replace it yourself, though.


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