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Successor to the popular Samsung WB150F, the WB250F emphasizes sharing capabilities with Samsung's Direct Link and Smart Camera App.

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How can I fix

How can I fix my camera lens

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Hey there, is the lens itself damaged or scratched, or is the camera just not focusing?


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@faizanshah like my esteemed colleague @jmehnert already pointed out, you are not telling us what issues your camera lens has. That information would be good for us to have, so we can actually try and help you with that.

For now all we can offer is the teardown for your camera Samsung WB2xx Teardown which does include the lens etc. This should put you into a position, where you can actually wok on your camera and fix whatever issue you may have with the lens. Be aware, replacement parts for the lens may not be easy to come by. You may need to rely on 3D printing or you may need to replace the lens.

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