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Zweite iPhone Generation. Modell A1241 mit 8 oder 16 GB Kapazität und schwarzer oder weißer Kunststoff-Rückseite. Die Reparatur ist leichter zu bewerkstelligen als beim iPhone 1. Es werden Schraubendreher, Hebelwerkzeuge und Saugnäpfe benötigt.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

What is the that metal ring around the camera lens?

I’m was trying to replace my iPhone 3G with a new rear case and when I was taking the camera holder cap out of the old housing, the little metal ring fell out from the frame and lost it. I looked everywhere online for a replacement but couldn’t find anything about it.

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According to my research, it appears that it is either just for decoration or is part of the glass (I'm assuming) that covers the camera. If you're replacing the rear case, it should come with a new one.

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