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Reparaturanleitungen und Informationen zum Zerlegen von Apple iPads der 8. Generation.

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Is replacing the home button while keeping touch id possible?

I was replacing the lcd of my ipad 8 when I realized that I had cut the ribbon cable for the home button. not sure how or when it happened but it happened. while looking online for a replacment I learned that touch id is tied to the serial number of the device and apple is the only one with the tools to reprogram a new one. So I got thinking theres no way apple is the ONLY person who can do it right? does anyone know if its possible to either send my ipad in to somone with the tool and get it replaced for like less than $50? or will I just have to live with having to touch id?

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Repairing your original button is your only option here. Although yes, it is true that only Apple can reprogram a home button, it doesn't help because they don't work on iPads. Yes, that's correct, Apple does not fix iPads; best they'll do is offer you a trade-in or discount on a replacement unit.

And no, there is no aftermarket service that can do that reprogramming; it requires a proprietary encryption algorithm that only Apple has access to.

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To my knowledge, you wouldn’t be able to keep that functionality unless you are somehow able to retrieve whatever chip is on the button that is responsible for communicating with your device. This practice is seen in many different electronics and cannot be avoided unless you can preserve and transfer the chips from the oem board to replacement. I dont know if it is even possible to achieve but that would be the only method to my knowledge, and that method requires some deep knowhow and ability.

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You can try repairing just the cable, it is possible.

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Yeah this is possible, but you need some patience and the knowledge to microsolder. You’d have to scrape the broken ends to expose copper contacts and solder them together.


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