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Dies ist die kleinere kostengünstigere Version von Samsung zehntem Galaxy Flaggschiff-Smartphone, das im Februar 2019 auf den Markt kam. Es wird mit Android 9.0 (Pie) geliefert.

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My S10e completely stopped working after being in water.

I have a Samsung S10 e. The back glass began to come undone over time, but it was still functional. I made the mistake of taking it in the shower and now it doesn't work at all. It does not charge no matter how long I leave it for, and has no signs of working.

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@atscubajack12 sounds like you have a water damaged phone. Give this a try.

For now, you must stop continuing to try to charge, sync or otherwise use your phone. This potentially can make a bad situation worse. This may further damage your phone.

The very first step I would take is to disassemble your phone. Use these guides Samsung Galaxy S10e to help you with that. Remove the motherboard. You will have to remove all the EMI shields. If you do not remove the shields, you are not cleaning the board.

Take a close look at all components and connectors. Look for major corrosion, evaluate the pins in the connectors etc,. Take a look at all connectors as well as cable ends. Once you got any gross contamination cleaned, use 90%+ isopropyl alcohol and clean your parts some more. For a proper cleaning, use this guide. It was written for an Apple iPhone 3G but all the steps are still pertinent to your phone as well. I can not stress the importance of a good cleaning enough, so do it over and over while replacing the alcohol after each cleaning. The importance here is the cleaning. It would of course be best to get it ultrasonically cleaned

After it is properly cleaned, replace the battery. This is a must and not an option. It will fail if you do not take care of it now.

After that, reassemble your phone and re-evaluate. For as long as you have not cleaned your board and replaced the battery, everything is just a guess. Keep in mind that water damage is the hardest to troubleshoot and to repair. It does not matter if is was exposed for 2 seconds or 2 hours, what matters is where the water (particulates) did the damage.

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