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The 2019 model Razer Blade 15" is a powerful gaming laptop. It features the same variety of ports and design as the previous year's model, but with expanded display options, upgraded graphics, and a 9th gen Intel Processor.

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Laptop turning off when disconnected from power supply

I replaced my battery with the kit from ifixit last night and it doesn't seem to be working at all. The battery shows that it is connected but the percentage has been stuck at 0% all day. When I unplug the battery from the charger it shuts off immediately. I plugged in my swollen battery to check if my laptop was the problem but seemed to be functioning properly. Under power and battery in settings it even shows that it gained charge overnight while plugged in, but it still indicates 0% charge.

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@geitruck since your old battery is even charges etc and the iFixit battery does not, I suggest you notify the iFixit sales team. You know they'll make it right as rain. Contact them via email at support@ifixit.com

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