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firmware update via serial

how do I update firmware via CLI, serial console ?

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All of the details regarding using the web console for the FixHub can be found here, including firmware update.

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I am talking about serial port, via usb, not web "console".


@albert58526 I mean. Technically USB is a serial port (Universal Serial Bus). But I know what you mean, and I'm splitting hairs.

As far as I am aware this isn't something that is currently supported, or at least the methods are not something that has been made available to the public. I couldn't find anything in the current documentation.

Is there a particular reason why you'd want to update via CLI rather than the web console?


Because it seems more convent to just use serial console. I don't use chrome based browsers, and was forced to install one just for this purpose. Seems like a rather terrible solution to simple problem.

I'm sure I'm not the only old schooler in the pack to want it.


@gryzman Duly noted. I also don't use a Chrome based browser, and I was kinda bummed I had to rely on that to play around with the web console. Sounds like @danj got an official answer from the team. I wouldn't rule it out forever but it doesn't sound like this is on the table yet.


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@gryzman - I managed to get some feedback from the iFixit folks. This is what they told me:

This should answer both of your questions.

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