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The seventh iteration of Apple's iPod Touch, released May 2019. This model comes with up to 256 GB of storage and an A10 processor. Model number A2178.

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Battery removal is never mentioned

In all of the answers after step 22 -all the guides instruct to set aside the battery to the left. None of them say actually how to remove the battery in full.

How it is done? Thanks all- I just need to service the battery.

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The battery is soldered to th logic board, so you’ll need to have some basic command of soldering to remove it and replace with a new one.

If you have a look at the battery, it’s not like the other components that have a connector which snaps into something on the board. There is some tape covering the contacts on the board. You’ll need to desolder the connector here and solder on a new battery.

Replace a battery compatible with a 6th or 7th generation iPod touch model A1574 or A2178. Part #020-00425. Battery Model #A1641. 3.83 Volts (V). Bild


iPod touch (6th and 7th Gen) Battery


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Thanks- Fix-ability of this product seems low- I might not tackle it.


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