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Das kleinste iPhone 14 von Apple wurde am 9. September herausgebracht und verfügt über ein 6,1-Zoll-OLED-Display, ein fortschrittliches Dual-Kamerasystem mit 12 MP und eine Frontkamera mit Autofokus. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 13.

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Why is my phone boot-looping?

I had my back glass replaced at a local shop and noticed he forgot a sticker in the camera. I took the phone back, he opened it up, removed the film and realized he also forgot to put in a screw to hold the flash part in place. When he put it back together, he used a clear liquid glue around the edges, clamped it and sent me on my way after a few minutes. Now my phone is boot-looping and it's only getting worse. Went from every 10 minutes to 5 minutes and now it's every 3 minutes. What can I do, or should I do? what could be the problem? I don't want to go back to that repair shop because he didn't seem to know his was around newer phones either. I don't know if it adds to the possible reason this could be happening, but he used a generic back glass as well, no iPhone logo. (I don't mind it; I just know apple doesn't like aftermarket parts.) If anyone can help me, that would be awesome. Thank you.

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He might have nicked the flash flex or wireless charging coil flex. If one of those is nicked by a knife slightly it will cause the phone to boot loop. Back glass replacement is tedious and needs people to be extra careful.

Unsure why he would be going through the front of your phone for a back glass replacement and replacing a screw he forgot to put in. Unless you got a back housing replacement done?

Something needs some investigating as it should not be boot looping after a housing or back glass replacement.

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