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Informationen zur Demontage und Reparatur für das Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Android-Smartphone, erschienen im Januar 2021.

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Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Battery replacement screen dead

Hello, yesterday I replaced the battery for my Samsung Galaxy S21 5g and everything worked well over the evening and night. The second day I connected the charger and it charged from 15% like until 85% and I observed that during charging the battery was heating but mildly. Next time when I wanted to look at the phone the screen wasn't working anymore, started to display rainbow colors like a flicker when I was pressing the power button. then I disassembled the phone again because I thought I didn't connect the LCD flex right. I disconnected from both ends the flex and blow with the hair dryer to remove any impurities from the connectors. when I turned on again the phone the display wasn't showing anything anymore, it was all black. what do you advise me to do and what do you think happened?

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@philippe71167 does it vibrate when you turn it on? Does it ring when somebody calls your phone? Based on this "display rainbow colors like a flicker" it is possible that you have a bad LCD.


@olturkey03, yes the phone is still working but the screen is black now. thanks


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Hi @philippe71167

Here's the SM G991B Troubleshooting guide, that may help.

Go to Sect 8.4.12 (p.19 of 67 pdf) to view the Display troubleshooting flowchart.

Use the search function in your browser to find the location of the components mentioned in the flowchart on the boards. You may have to zoom in a lot to find them.

Unfortunately there's no parts list provided with the service manual, so if a component (besides the display assembly) is faulty it may be hard to know its type and value so to be able to get a replacement.

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