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HP Compaq Business laptop released in 2004. This model shares many resemblances to previously released Compaq models. All laptops use a Pentium M processor (32-bit only) but speed varies based on your specific configuration.

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no power leds, was working 1 year ago

so I don't generally use this as it's really more of a toy/ testing tool for vintage vehicle ecms and such and I quite like using it to flash gm prom units

well imagine my surprise when I pulled it out of storage and plugged it into its 100 watt replacement brick (had worked before and works on a more modern toshiba) and nothing. no lights no small clicks just completely dead. the power is making it in but maybe it's battery is just finally that dead and it needs to sit on charge for a few days

if anyone has any ideas that would be great but I will list the things I've done so far

  1. complete disassembly to check for power making it past the ac jack
  2. checking for bad components on the board with a multimeter after discharging the caps by holding the power button (none found)
  3. attempted to bypass power jack at the traces leading to the converter circuit and nothing.

I do know I haven't done any damage as of yet since it's not my first time experiencing a power issue on this specific laptop and have done this before and one day it kinda just worked so idk

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Does the power adapter out put 19Volts?

Have you tried disconnecting the battery and just use the power adapter?

The battery may be dead.


yeah of course it does. did you read where it says it's worked before with that charger. also puts out 19 exactly.

issue is no power at all for anything. it's not a dead motherboard but I can't get power in through the jack and yeah the battery is dead. not that it's ever mattered in the past


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Hi @cartercarba1600

Here's the schematic for the motherboard that will help.

Perhaps start at the DC-IN jack -see Sht.5 (4 of 66 pdf) and check if there's voltage at C300 (+VADP).

If there is then you will have to check further on that lead

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