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Model A1225 / Mitte 2007 und Anfang 2008 / Core 2 Duo Prozessor mit 2,4 /2,8/3,06 GHz

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Disconnect monitor from power

My old iMac runs HomeassistantOS. I don't need the monitor for this and it just uses unnecessary power. How can I disconnect the monitor from power as soon as the machine is running? I am thinking of a switch on the side of the housing.

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Surprisingly, the LCD and the backlight (CCFL in this series) are both very low power consumption. Just turning down the brightness kills the backlight. I would leave it alone, the risks of messing up is not worth the risks.

I had a 2011 Mac Mini which I ran HomeAssistant for a while, I ended up jumping to Apples HomeKit as I wanted the better HomePod integration.

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How can i turn down backlight? That's all software (MacOS) based. And there's nothing on the disk.


@baschdler58184 - Sorry forgot about the OS, as I was on a Mac Mini. I’m sure someone has created a Linux tool which would work here. Even still the backlight is not that big a draw.


Nope ... i searched the entire Internet from one end to the other without success. Only guys who have the same issue.

But I am not giving up!! Not me!!

And it's not possible to add some screen drivers to HAOS – I am not the first one thinking of this solution.


@baschdler58184 - Sadly this is a square hole, round peg problem. I’m not a good enough programmer to get into creating something and again iMacs are just not the ideal platform because of both size and the screen.

If you have the time and skills I think this would be a rewarding project to tackle creating the needed software to do this. But again, while it would be nice this is not the bigger consumer of power in the system, that would be the CPU and the rest of the running logic. As I too didn’t want something sucking down power all day long also pulled me into HomeKit.


I tried Homekit together with Homebridge on a Synology NAS but I am really not satisfied.

In Homeassistant my Router shows 20 "entities", in Homebridge nothing, in HomeKit it's possible to switch it ON/OFF ... that's exactly what I expect from a smarthome integration of a router ...

Same with my Shelly Plugs. I can just switch them ON/OFF. And that's what I don't need - I use them to measure power consumption. The switch is obstructive and dangerous. If I switch off my refrigerator by mistake all steaks will be gone the next day. But Homekit does not show the measurements and does not show the trajectory.


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