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Apples Flaggschiff der Spitzenklasse für 2022. Das am 16. September veröffentlichte iPhone 14 Pro Max ist mit einem 6,7 Zoll ProMotion-OLED-Display, dem neuen Bionic-A16-Chip, einem dreifachen Rückkamerasystem und 5G-Konnektivität ausgestattet. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 13 Pro Max.

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Forgotten password with security code 😩

How can I, if I can, reset my password to my iCloud?

When I turn on the phone, it ask for my password. I can’t view emails without entering my password. I can’t send text messages without entering my password.

I had to disable all security preferences for a moment and when I go to connect them back, it says my password is incorrect. I also accidentally set the 24 or 25 security digit code.

I don’t have my password or the security code.

Is there someone that is so advanced in being technically inclined they could like just plug in my phone to their laptop, type a few commands and bam like my password problem is fixed🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Sounds like your best bet would be to contact Apple. They can reset your password once you have established that you own the phone and/or the iCloud account.

For better or worse, Apple is very good at security on your phone, so no, you won't find someone who can just hook up your phone to their computer and clear your password.

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