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Die Sony PS5 wurde im November 2020 veröffentlicht und hat viel bessere Graphikleistungen und einen innovativen neuen DualSense Controller. Das neue Farbschema hat was von Weltraum und ist eine bemerkenswerte Abkehr von den alten Designs der PlayStation.

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Can anyone identify this component for me please? (F7002)

Hi all,

I recently acquired a faulty PS5 and opened it up to discover some work had already been done. There were shorts on the board in the F7002 area and fuse was blown. That lead to the reverse of the wifi module, were I removed all the caps behind it and and found one bad. I still had the short so I decide to remove the wifi module itself and the short disappeared. I have a new one ordered but I'm trying to identify the component marked in blue on the image provided if anyone can help? For some reason they were missing on both sides of the board. Thanks!

Block Image
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Can't really tell from the photo. Maybe an inductor?? Can you post a photo taken of the side of the component?


Almost certainly an inductor. Seeing if I can find you more specifics.


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Confirmed that this is definitely an inductor, but the value I'm not sure of.

The chip in your picture is a TI TPS53219A. There are some sample circuits in the datasheet that specify a PA0513.441 which is a .44 μH. It's possible it would be the same in the PS5, but due to the range of output voltages possible, the inductor may not necessarily be the same.

If it's missing, that seems suspect. Has anyone ever worked on this board before? There are reasons why something might not be populated on a specific board, but this seems important since it involved in generating the 3.3V Standby rail. Inductors can be more prone in some cases to just pop off the board (happens in iPhones and iPads) but usually that is accompanied by a heavy drop. But I have not seem that in consoles.

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Hi, thanks to all who replied to the post. I can confirm this has been worked on before. I suspect it's a faulty wifi IC that the last person in here was unable to figure out. The caps were all shifted around in the same area on both sides, so I can only assume that they were lost or removed to use elsewhere. I actually have one of these inductors on another board, I might have to pull it off and teach myself how to measure it lol. Thanks again guys, I'll update the post when I know more!


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