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Reparatur- und Zerlegeanleitungen für das iPhone SE der 2. Generation, im April 2020 angekündigt und veröffentlicht.

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Severe keyboard lag after screen replacement

I just replaced the screen in my wife and I's 2020 iPhone SE's. I've replaced many screens from previous phones without any problems, but this time the same problem is affecting both of our phones after the replacement.

The problem seems to be a lag with the keyboard, making it extremely frustrating to send even basic texts. I will type something like normal, only to look up and see gibberish or partial words. I have tried troubleshooting settings, all of that stuff. The problem only occurred after the screen replacements, and on both phones at the same time. I had performed both replacements with no problems and followed the instructions closely.

What is going on? Was I sent defective screens? Is there something I can do? Both of our phones are hardly usable now.

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If it was just one of the screens I'd suggest rechecking your work, but there's no way a misconnected digitizer could happen the same way on two separate phones. It seems as though you might be getting some sort of noise on the digitizer input lines that the processor has to sort through and discard while it's waiting for actual touch inputs.

It really does sound like an issue with your replacement screens, but the only way to know for sure is to try a different screen. Do you still have either of the original screens and are they functional enough to verify the touchscreen? Swapping one of the broken ones back in would tell you if it's the new displays or not. If the old screen works fine then I'd have to conclude that something about the new ones is incompatible with your phone. Of course, you don't have to actually replace it; just open it up and take it apart far enough to allow you to unplug the new screen and just plug in the original for testing.

Outside of that, about the only other thing worth trying would be to do a full factory reset of the phone; wipe it back to its original condition and see if somehow that brings the digitizer back in line.

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