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Die Sony PS5 wurde im November 2020 veröffentlicht und hat viel bessere Graphikleistungen und einen innovativen neuen DualSense Controller. Das neue Farbschema hat was von Weltraum und ist eine bemerkenswerte Abkehr von den alten Designs der PlayStation.

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Ps5 error code CE-108255-1

Trying to play minecraft ps5 and it keeps coming up with error CE-108255-1 I've tried everything on the internet and it's still showing up

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Hi there!

Is this the only game where you are having issues with?

Are you sure that everything is up to date? As in the PS5 and the game it self?

It's possible that it is SSD related, this one is very difficult to have it repaired.

Please let us know if the above worked or not!

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Hi there and yip everything is upto date and and I download Astros playroom and also it's giving the same error


Then it's most likely the SSD which is having issues at the moment. Do you have any soldering/reballing experience? It's needed to replace the SSD. You can also sent it in to a repair shop/ or Sony. I know that Sony is charging $200 for it....


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