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The fourth generation Nissan Altima (chassis model L32A) was announced at the 2006 New York Auto Show on April 12, 2006. It was the first vehicle to use the smaller Nissan D platform, with a new front and upgraded rear suspension.

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How does my cigarette lighter work

How does my cigarette lighter work

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Hi @luistirado

If you mean how does it literally work, here's a link that describes the principle of operation of a car cigarette lighter.

If you mean that it is not working, then the cigarette lighter plugs into a power outlet socket which is powered via a 15A mini fuse #5 (for model years 2007-2009) and a 20A mini fuse #5 (for model years 2010-2013) which is located in the passenger compartment fuse box. Check if the fuse is OK.

If the fuse is OK, it could still be a faulty cigarette lighter. Perhaps try using it in the power socket in another car and check if it works OK.

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