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Repair, disassembly, and troubleshooting information for the XPS 13 9315, a Dell ultrabook released in 2022. It is the first XPS 13 (non-Plus) to lose the headphone jack.

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XPS 13 9315 2-in-1 Battery Replacement?

Has everyone ever attempted a disassembly and battery replacement of a Dell XPS 13 9315 2-in-1? This is the 9315 with the tablet format and detachable keyboard, not standard ultrabook. I can't find a battery online that appears to be compatible with the device and no one seems to have ever posted a teardown/replacement guide/video/site. Thought maybe this community would have someone who's tried.

Very disappointed in an ~18 month old device where the battery is dying.

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Is this yours?

Dell Service Manual for xps-13-9315-2-in-1-laptop

Tear down diagram from Dell

Big flat battery. Number 11 in the diagram.

Replacement Battery

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Yes, I've seen that. It shows the exploded view but doesn't provide any information or tips on removing the screen. Are there safe places to lever, etc. Also, I'm assuming that the adhesive will be ruined so I'm looking for any info on a replacement. It's also not clear of the normal XPS13 9315 battery fits or not. I'm assuming not because in that exploded view the battery doesn't look like the "9315" battery. I've seen those ebay links too and they're all pulls, not new batteries.

Based on your experience, which it looks like you have a lot of, do you think a normal heating - gentle-pry - re-tape process will work here?


Hi @argonzebra

But no experience with this one. Yes the two models of the 9315 is confusing! That tear down diagram is the best I could find. Have you contacted Dell? I guess you will be the one to try.


Dell wants me to reactivate the warranty and then pay for the replacement. I may end up going that way, but man is that expensive...


@argonzebra Ya I know it is tough. There is only one (well 3) thing I can say "research, research, research before you buy".


Oh I'm never buying this form factor again. I really love it, but it's a maintenance pain. At the time, I really thought with the success of the Surface that Dell would keep the product line around and maintained and an ecosystem would spring up around them. But they killed it off pretty quick with no replacements.


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