Resistors on main board on retriod pocket 3
Retriod pocket3
Hey guys I recently bought a used retroid pocket 3 from eBay because I can't afford the new ones,I pulled it apart to put in the new pcb for the direction and the a and b buttons .I was trying to pull the battery connection when I accidentally broke the coil and a 2 resistors,I didn't realize till I put back the console together and the screen back light wasn't coming on.i don't know the value of these components and I don't see any writing on any of them(note I don't know where the components are cause maybe they fell out without me realizing).can anyone tell me the value of the resistors near the battery connect please
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
Hi Dane, it would help others answer this question if you posted a picture of the damage. There are probably a lot of resistors and other parts on the board, a picture will narrow things down.
von Chris Green
@chrisgreen I just added the picture
von Dane Nelson
@chrisgreen the ones in the green circle
von Dane Nelson