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Powerstation Won't Turn on after firmware update

Got the powerstation kit for Christmas, and used Chrome to update from 1.03 to 1.06 and now the device won't turn on.

I can get it to show up in DFU mode in USB by holding the silver dial when connecting it via USB, but it won't load the actual interface in the web hub.

What are my options here? I'm bummed this is seems to be dead.

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Hi @isaacmarchionna, sorry to hear about this. Can you please reach out to support@ifixit.com so we can get this fixed for you.


@krisrodriguez Email sent yesterday. I'm hoping this can be fixed/replaced ASAP. It's a great product when it was fully functional.


@isaacmarchionna, awesome, glad you reached out. I'll also follow-up internally to make sure we get this resolved.


@krisrodriguez Thank you so much. I know these are hard to come by, so getting it as a Christmas gift made my holiday. So getting this repaired/replaced quickly would mean a ton!


You're welcome. I completely understand and we're going to work hard to make it right. Thank you for your patience and for supporting Right-to-Repair and our new venture into the world of soldering.


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This issue was resolved, a replacement unit is being sent out for the Power Station. Thank you!

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