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A1418 / EMC 2833 / Ende 2015 / 3,1 GHz Core i5 oder 3,3GHz Core i7 Prozessor. Erscheinungsdatum 13. Oktober 2015.

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Cannot format Crucial SSD drive

I purchased an SSD upgrade kit for an iMac late 2015 27". The install went flawlessly, following the directions online. The drive is partitioned with a 121GB volume and a 1TB volume. I was able to install the OS onto the 121GB, but no matter what I do I cannot format the 1TB volume.

It is labeled CT1000MX500SSD1 Media, is uninitialized, and is an Unsupported Partition Map. Each time I try to erase I end up with "Erase process has failed" and "Wiping volume data to prevent accidental probing failed: (-69825). I have a 1TB SSD with the only usable portion containing the OS. What am I missing?

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Sounds like you have a drive which already had a partition on it and when you tried to install the macOS it found a small sliver of space to setup which you did but you really want to setup a flat partition using the whole drive for macOS is that correct?

I would setup a bootable OS installer drive to properly present the drive as you are hitting the show cobbler conflict! As the cobbler can’t fix your shoe while you are wearing them. That also happens here as both the Internet or hidden partition OS recovery can’t access all of the drive.

There is also a second issue that maybe hitting you as Apple changed the underlying structure of the file system to APFS this happens between Sierra and High Sierra so make sure you are using the correct macOS and the highest version Apple supported at this phase. Once you get the system running you might want to use a shim service like OpenCore Legacy Patcher to run a higher version than what Apple supports.

Download from here the needed OS installer file How to download and install macOS then format a 32GB USB thumb drive with GUI and a journaled file system, copy the installer file to it and then convert it following this guide Create a bootable installer for macOS.

Now using that bootable drive reboot your system and launch Disk Utility delete all of the partitions and then create a fresh one (if you have anything on the drive it will be lost!). If you want to have a second partition to host a different OS you can limit the size of this first partition leaving the second one blank or if you know what you want to install setup the second partition with its required structure.

In either case label the partitions so you won’t get confused and install the macOS you want.

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Dan—Thanks for your reply. I ended up removing the drive, placing it in an external case, and connecting it to my MacStudio. It reformatted without a hitch. Now my problem is having committed the cardinal sin in working on a computer... I forgot to unplug the iMac when I reopened it and removed/replaced the drive. Now it doesn't start up at all. I'm taking it to Apple today to see if they can run diagnostics on it. I probably fried the logic board or PSU. If so, it's off to Best Buy for recycling.


@eklektos72678 - Did you only reformat the drive or did you also install the OS? I bet you if you setup the USB OS installer drive I bet you can save your self a trip and an expensive purchase!


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