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Help Identifying Replacement Switch For Patton Space Heater

I was given a defective Patton space heater, model MH-761. It appears to have encountered an over-current episode as the two-position rocker switch used to switch between high/low settings is melted. I would much appreciate help in determining the exact type of Carling switch needed to replace the melted one.

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All the necessary parameters are not obvious by your pictures or description.

What is obvious:

Snap in, SPDT, 16A @ 125V, quick connect 0.250 terminals

What is not obvious, and important:

Panel cutout dimensions

If the sw has a center off position

If it is lighted.

THIS page has all of what I perceive to be a snap in, SPDT, 16A, 125V, with quick connect 0.25 terminals. You can change the filters to see other switches. All of these require a rectangular - 28.58mm x 13.97mm cutout.

You might also search AliEpress to find a match.

NOTE: most of the switches with quick connect spade lugs that burn like that are caused by loose spade lugs. That heats up the sw terminal and melts the plastic. Make sure they are tight by squeezing the wire terminal with pliers, Gently. You don't want them impossible to put on.

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Thanks for the info. I will need to research further. The cutout dim. are 19.20mm x 12.90mm, has no center off, and is lit. The only Carling sw I'm finding in that size all have a smaller amp rating. This one may work, although it's not lit.



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