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Released in 2020, the Razer Blade 15" Advanced model is designed to provide gamers with powerful specifications and sleek aesthetics.

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CMOS (RTC) Battery replacement

My RZ09-033x struggles in booting overnight and the time is always not synced if it successfully booted. It seems to be caused by a faulty CMOS battery. However, I couldn't find the CMOS battery and the tutorial on IFIXIT is for an earlier version. Does anyone have the same issue?

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Hi @dimsoveuhi

Couldn't find an image showing your exact model but here are two images from slightly later models showing where the RTC battery is located, that may help

Block Image

(click on image)

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Hi @jayeff,

Thanks for the images! I did replace this battery but nothing happened, and the only IFXIT RTC replacement tutorial for Razer suggested that the battery should be shrink-wrapped with a two-pin connector, so I thought this was not the RTC battery... I will try another new battery and see if that works.



Did you reset the BIOS when the RTC battery (and the main battery) were both disconnected from the motherboard by holding the Power button operated for 30 seconds?

If you have a DMM (digital multimeter) measure the voltage on the RTC battery when it has been removed from the motherboard. If it is <2.5V DC replace it. The model number of the battery is on the battery itself. Too small for me to read in the images but usually they're a CR2032 or CR2026 but it may be something else. If it is one of these they're readily available everywhere, e.g. supermarkets.

Also make sure that you reinsert the battery with the +ve facing up (marked on battery)

The time and date won't be correct the first time the laptop is started after this, as the BIOS has been reset back to default, but once you have corrected the date and time, it should be correct from then on.



No, I haven't. In fact, I think I used the wrong battery. The battery used here is ML1220, which is quite hard to find locally. The shop assistant suggested that CR1220 would fit, so I used it instead.

I don't have a DMM to test if any battery works, so I kept the laptop plugged in and waited until the ML1220 arrived. Thanks again for the help!


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