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Drahtloser Kontroller für die Xbox 360

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D-pad and analog stick issues.

Hi, I have two Xbox 360 wireless controllers that are both now encountering issues.

The first both analog sticks and action buttons work correctly. The d-pad, however, will trigger "B" when pressing "right". The other d-pad directions work correctly. I've taken a quick look at the board and cannot see any obvious damage.

The second all buttons and triggers work correctly, but the left analog stick is intermittent in responding to inputs.

Is there any issues I'm missing in fixing the above issues, or ways to combine the parts to obtain a fully working controller? I do have basic soldering tools, but am very much a beginner in skill level.

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Hi there!

Regarding the first, it could be a trace which is damaged, please check for any damage there. How are your battery springs, still OK? If there is corrosion on it, the same issue can occur.

Regarding the 2nd one, I advise to replace the left analog stick first and see how that goes. This requires soldering, but it's not very hard to do!

Here is the guide so that you can determine for yourself if you want to repair it or not: Xbox 360 Kabelloser Controller linken Analogstick tauschen

Please let us know how it goes!

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