SSD MacBook Air early 2017 -> MacBook Air 2024?
Is an SSD from a MacBook Air early 2017 compatible with an MacBook Air 2024? I have a 1 TB SSD in my MB Air that I would like to install in my new MB air if possible.
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Is an SSD from a MacBook Air early 2017 compatible with an MacBook Air 2024? I have a 1 TB SSD in my MB Air that I would like to install in my new MB air if possible.
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
SSD's in MacBook Airs since 2018 are soldered onto the board so no can do.
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The best you can do is get an external case to hold the SSD so you can access its data.
From 2018 Apple move to soldered storage (often called NAND, technically it’s Flash chips) a true SSD would hold the controller chip in a stand alone module with the flash chips. In the latest Mac Mini and Studio models Apple has transitioned to Flash modules, it’s likely this design will come to the MacBook Pro’s and maybe the airs as well in a follow up release.
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