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1 Kommentar:
@jonieronx you are really not telling us anything jhee. Start of with verifying that your TV is a Sony Bravia KDL40HX850. Then tell us what it does or what it doesn't do. what have you checked? You say there is no power but do not tell us how you know that there is no power and what you have checked. Maybe you have no power to the TV from the wall outlet. Maybe you have blown fuses on the power board. You see, we need to have some idea of where and what you have checked otherwise we are spending a lot of time on testing things that are not needed. Help us to help you by being a bit more specific.
First, make sure the health of your adapter and then check the wire so that it is not damaged anywhere, if it is correct, check the power supply of your monitor.
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@jonieronx you are really not telling us anything jhee. Start of with verifying that your TV is a Sony Bravia KDL40HX850. Then tell us what it does or what it doesn't do. what have you checked? You say there is no power but do not tell us how you know that there is no power and what you have checked. Maybe you have no power to the TV from the wall outlet. Maybe you have blown fuses on the power board. You see, we need to have some idea of where and what you have checked otherwise we are spending a lot of time on testing things that are not needed. Help us to help you by being a bit more specific.
von oldturkey03