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Die Xbox Series X ist die 4K Gaming-Konsole der nächsten Generation von Microsoft. Die Xbox Series X wurde mit der Xbox Series S am 10. November 2020 auf den Markt gebracht.

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Xbox Series X PSU Compatibility 12 vs 14 digit serial

I need to replace the PSU in my Xbox Series X the 2020 release (12 digit SN), it looks like the latest XBX 2024 revision (14 digit SN) has a new Genuine PSU model compared to the 1920 model, are these two compatible with each other?

Newest revision: Microsoft Xbox Series X Disk Drive Model 1882 (14 digit serial number) Power Supply - Genuine

Older revision: Xbox Series X Power Supply

Replace a power supply module compatible with the Xbox Series X video game console model RRT-00010 and RRT-00013. Fix issues like a malfunctioning or burned out power supply. Bild


Xbox Series X Power Supply


Replace a power supply module compatible with Xbox Series X Disk Drive model 1882 14 digit serial number gaming consoles. Fix issues like a malfunctioning or burned out power supply. Bild


Microsoft Xbox Series X Disk Drive Model 1882 (14 digit serial number) Power Supply - Genuine


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Hi Kevin!

Nope, they are not (If I need to believe Microsoft). You need the correct model to let it work. So, please check what model came out yours and then order the correct model you need.

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I installed it and seems to be working fine for the past week. Not sure if it's officially supported but unofficially seems to work fine


Ah, good to hear that it does work! Officially, it shouldn't, but glad that it is running without issues so far! Will update on this.


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