How to clean AC duct

How to fix the AC

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Muhammad, we need more information in order to help. To start with, please verify the exact year, model and any submodel information available for your car.

Next, a better description of your problem is essential. Your title asks how to clean an A/C duct, but your question seems to imply that something is broken. If you just need to clean some duct, let us know exactly what duct you're talking about, and why you think it needs to be cleaned. Is there a smell associated with using the air conditioning?

Otherwise, if something isn't working correctly, please describe the issue. Does the A/C not get cold? Does it make noise, or the compressor isn't running, or what?

The more you can tell us, the better the chance we can help you. As it is, we don't have enough information so there's nothing we can do now.


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