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Die Sony PS5 wurde im November 2020 veröffentlicht und hat viel bessere Graphikleistungen und einen innovativen neuen DualSense Controller. Das neue Farbschema hat was von Weltraum und ist eine bemerkenswerte Abkehr von den alten Designs der PlayStation.

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PS5 Disc Drive Failure

My PS5 (model CFI-1115A) is no longer reading any discs. It takes the disc in, sounds like it's starting to read it, but then it stops. There's an error on the screen that the discs are unreadable. I am assuming this is most likely a laser issue, given that discs insert, spin, and eject just fine. I see that there are replacement lasers available on eBay, as well as replacement drives. Are the lasers compatible with all models, or are there differences between the models? Am I better off getting a full replacement drive, and transferring the daughterboard over?

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Hi There!

It does sound like the laser is failing.

I recommend to replace the whole laser deck! So not the drive or the laser only. But just the laser deck.

There are more models available for the PS5. The most easiest thing to do, is to open up your PS5 and get the drive out. Check the model and order the one you need!

Then you are sure that you do have the right one.

And otherwise, you can always share some pictures with us :)!

Good luck!

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