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Repair information and disassembly guides for remote control vehicles including toy RC vehicles and hobby RC cars and trucks whether they drive on-road, off-road, drift or crawl.

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Rc car not turning left/right

Hi there!
I recently purchased the Vacheabunga Skate Rc Tmnt at a thrift store. The car can go forward, but cannot turn. I don't know how to fix it.

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Well If your RC car isn't turning left or right, then main areas to check are the connection between the steering servo and the receiver. Some time loose wires can also cause this kind issue in your RC car.

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Do I need to check inside de car or the steering servo? or both?


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I bought a Vacheabunga Skate RC TMNT at a thrift store. It moves forward but won’t turn. To fix it, check the connection between the steering servo and the receiver. Loose or disconnected wires can cause steering issues. Inspect and secure all connections to restore functionality.

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