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Der Nintendo Game Boy Advance kam 2001 auf den Markt. Für Reparaturen braucht man keine besonderen Werkzeuge und keine Wärme.

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GBA Flickers on and turns off

This GBA Flickers on for a second and powers off. Not sure what the cause is but here's the things I've ruled out.

  1. Capacitors have all been replaced
  2. Battery terminals are clean and bring power
  3. The power switch has been replaced and works
  4. F1 fuse works
  5. There is continuity from F1 -> 101 -> Q5

No idea what it could be so really hoping someone has the answer :) this is the target red edition so I would love to get it revived

Block Image
Block Image

-> here is the video on google drive since it wont load properly on here https://drive.google.com/file/d/150N2-g4...

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Hi @sonrai

Does it do this if you use it with the charger connected to the device?


Hey @jayeff this is the original GBA not the SP so there isn't a charger port



OK Missed that, sorry.

BTW the video you posted isn't working. Try loading it again.


@jayeff all good I put a link to it on google drive since it still wasn't working properly


Just to add, this is most of the time caused by a broken Power Switch Solder Pad… please check the solder pads and traces regarding the power switch.


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1 Antwort

Hi @sonrai

Not sure if this is the correct one (there's no power jack) but here's the schematic that may be of some help.

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