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Known as the Canon EOS Rebel XTi in North America, the XTi is a budget Canon DSLR released in 2006 with a 10.1 MP sensor. Also known as the EOS 400D and the EOS Kiss Digital X.

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How do I fix an error 99?

I got an error 99 a couple of months ago and have done everything I can but the error doesn't go away

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This typically means the camera software does not recognize the lens.

To fix this: 1. Make sure the lens is compatible with the camera. 2. Using the eraser of a pencil, gently rub the contact surfaces clean on both the camera and lens. 3. Remove and reinsert the battery, attach the lens and turn the camera on. This should fix the problem.

Also, Canon has a troubleshooting section for all of their product on the web site.

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