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Microwave stopped working after small fire started by daughter

Frigidaire Fgmv174kfc

Like the title says, my daughter placed a cup'o'ramen jn the microwave without any water and it went up in flames. It was out out before any real damage happened, but it will not turn back on. I'm convinced there is a automatic shutoff switch or a fuse that blew due to the smoke or high temperature. I dint want to throw this thing away.

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Hi @jdotsmith

It may be the fuse or something else e.g. fault on the control board etc.

Here's the wiring diagram that should help to find out what's wrong.

If you find the problem and it's a faulty part that needs replacing, here's the parts list that is useful.

Locate the wanted part in the list and note the manufacturer's part number that is shown with it. Search online for the part number only, to find suppliers that suit you best.

Be safety aware when working in microwave ovens. The HV capacitor in the oven can store >5000V DC for months even if the power has been disconnected for this length of time. This amount of voltage can seriously injure you. The HV capacitor needs to be correctly discharged, as soon as it can be accessed after the oven's cover has been removed, before commencing any further work inside the oven.

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