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The Sony Cybershot DSC-W55 was released in early in the year 2007. It is upgraded with a 7.2 megapixel camera compared to the previous model's 5.1 camera and has 56mb of internal memory.

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Shuts off after lens extends and retracts again

Lens goes back and forth when you first turn the camera on. Then it shuts off.

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If the lens extracts and then retracts and the camera turns off, it is most likely that the lens is failing. You may need to either disassemble it and clean and inspect it, or replace it.

Block Image

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I had this problem too, and it seemed that as the camera gets old, the piece that keeps the lenses open starts to get loosen.

I managed to fix it by putting a folded piece of paper between the lenses and the internal frame where the orange wires are plugged, making the needed pressure to keep the lenses open.

To reach the lenses you can follow this guide

Anything can be put there to make the trick. To know the exact place, put the battery and turn the camera on, you'll see that the mechanisms move a small plastic piece on the side next to the wires, this is the piece that needs to be pressed.

See it marked with a red circle in this picture:

Block Image

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Just turn camera on and with a small length of tubing blow all around the lens. It is only a little dust or grain of sand stopping the lens from opening fully. 2 minute job.

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I have the sony dsc-h5 and its also says turn off and on again. So I put it manuel focus and it un-jamed the lens system after working it a few times and now working fine. : )

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