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Apples Laptop-Serie für Nutzer:innen mit höheren Ansprüchen im beruflichen oder privaten Gebrauch. Bislang gibt es Modelle in den Größen 13, 14, 15, 16 und 17 Zoll. Die wichtigsten Entwicklungen gab es beim Prä-Unibody (Original), Unibody, Retina Display, Touchbar und SOC (system-on-a-chip) Design.

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Using Mac with the cover down?

How can I prevent my mac from suspending when the cover is down, I'd like the screen to turn off, but I still want to to be able to connect via ssh, and vnc.

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Try setting computer sleep to 'never' in energy saver, and connect an external keyboard or mouse. Close the lid, and click mouse or keyboard key to wake unit if it goes to sleep. This should trick the MacBook Pro into "clamshell" mode. You might want to put the unit on a small riser or laptop cool pad, as it is going to get warm...

Check out this article from Apple's Knowledge Base:


PS: You shouldn't need an external monitor connected for this to work.

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There is a program called InsomniaX that allows mac laptops to optionally remain awake with the lid shut. This is probably exactly what you want. It is also possible to keep the laptop awake by connecting it to an external screen, keyboard, and mouse.

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This is what I do to keep mine awake, but I still have it go to sleep after a few hours to save energy.


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Make sure 'Wake for Ethernet network access' is checked under the Energy Saver preferences.

However, I have never been able to get the MacBook Pro to wake from sleep with the cover closed. I suspect this is done for cooling purposes. I have had some success when a 2nd monitor is connected and turned on. Your mileage may vary.

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Wake for Ethernet Administrator Access is for something called Wake On LAN, but this won't necessarily work with what Steve wants to do. It certainly won't allow him to ssh or vnc in and have his laptop auto-wake.


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Use energy saver display sleep also same place check wake for administrator access

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