iPad Air Lightning ConnectorReplace a corroded or damaged lightning connector in your 1st generation iPad Air model A1474 and A1475. Fix problems with charging and connecting to USB devices.Number of reviews:4Sale price $19.99Only 4 left in stockView
iPad Air Backlight Filter L7080, 7085Replace the backlight filter on the logic board of a 1st generation iPad Air. This part requires micro soldering.Sale price $2.99View
iPad Air Home FPC Connector (J6300)Replace the home button cable FPC connector on the logic board of a 1st generation iPad Air. This part requires microsoldering.Sale price $2.99View
iPhone and iPad Tristar A1610A3Replace a A1610A1, A1610A2, or A1610A3 USB IC on the logic board of an iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Air, or iPad mini 2. This part requires micro soldering.Sale price $4.99View