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Replacing speakers for mid-2012 Retina MacBook Pro

Hojong -

MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2012

MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2012 Speakers Replacement

MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Mid 2012 Speakers Replacement

3 Stunden


Mein Problem

Blame Boom2. This app boosts the sound way over the spec, wreaking havoc to the speakers.

Meine Reparatur

It's tedious but thanks to the detailed instruction on iFixit site, the repair went smoothly.

Mein Rat

Don't use Boom2.

MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Mid 2012-Mid 2015) Right Speaker Bild
MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Mid 2012-Mid 2015) Right Speaker


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