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Basically rebuilt it.

Cristina -

iPod 5th Generation (Video)

iPod 5th Generation (Video) Battery Replacement

iPod 5th Generation (Video) Battery Replacement

20 Minuten


Mein Problem

My 6-year-old iPod Video had started flaking out on me when the headphone jack started failing. The battery hadn't been holding a charge for more than half an hour, either, and the display had a few dead pixels from being dropped a couple of times. Yeah, it needed some work.

Meine Reparatur

The repairs went pretty well! I'm actually glad I cracked it open using the iFixit guides or I wouldn't have noticed the logic board needed replacing too. I got it from another seller because it was out of stock here, but followed the instructions here for every part (battery, display, headphone jack & logic board) and my iPod is back to life!

Mein Rat

My advice is be patient and follow the guides. If anything goes wrong, the guys on the phone line are real nice, too!

iPod Video Color Display Bild
iPod Video Color Display


iPod Video 30 GB Headphone Jack & Hold Switch Bild
iPod Video 30 GB Headphone Jack & Hold Switch


iPod Video 30 GB Battery Bild
iPod Video 30 GB Battery


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